Quick instructions to install the program.
The program is distributed in an installation package.
The program was written for Windows (XP and later).
The installation is relatively simple.
Download the package using this page:Version (27 October 2012)
Once you download the file, unzip it into a directory. Run the program contained therein. The installation process will be started
If you accept the license terms (basically says that the program is free and ciemmesoft is not responsible for any damage), press the accept button.
You will be asked where to store the program. If you want to change the destination folder by default you can do this by pressing Browse.
Once you have decided where to install the program, press Install
Among the files that the program installed, there is a version of the fantastic program ExifTool by Phil Harvey
After installation, you should find the program that is installed under the Programs\Ciemmesoft\TLTools
To run it, simply double click.